Dec 12, 2008

The Power of Media

I’d like us to look at this article from a media news reporting point of view rather than media advertising point of view, there’s relevance in a sense that it’s two hands washing each other not one hand feeding off the other. Having studied media for many moons at an institution of higher learning, I think I’m qualified to make a two cent worth comment about media reporting and the power of media. If used strategically media reporting has the power to influence opinions and brainwash and/or change the “world view” of the masses. In the world the most powerful are not politicians but rather the media moguls who owns conglomerate media empires that broadcast to the masses the “opinion” of these politicians.

Some may refer to it as propaganda, some as freedom-of-speech but mind you that these two words are interchangeable depending on which side your bread is buttered on. For example, when the corruption scandal about a certain political figure in the ruling party broke, those on his camp saw that as propaganda and an attempted political character assassination, whereas those reporting the news saw it as freedom of expression and they were attempting to show the mass that no one is untouchable.

But hang on a second!!! Let’s look at the process of reporting the so called news. The 7pm news bulletin run for approximately 30 minute and 5 minutes of those 30 minutes is adverts; in essence it’s actually a 25 minutes bulletin. In the news bulleting they report about issues or events they claim is of importance for the masses to be informed about as outlined by what is known as an editor, but isn’t that brainwashing? One person or a group of people deciding on what the masses has to be informed about, that sounds like brainwashing to me.

So in that 25 minute bulletin, they’ll dedicate 5 minute to attacking a certain party, 10 on natural disasters or “terrorists attacks”, 5 minutes on praising some sports heroes, the rest is what they call fillers, which could be anything from a hippo roaming on the freeway to Michael Jackson dangling his son on a balcony. So in essence it’s 25 minute of news on issues they want the people to be informed about not 25 minutes of the reality in the world. The same goes for the radio stations and 24 hours news channels, the only different is that they recycle the 25 minute bulleting every top of hour and in between it’s the so called analysts claiming to “unpack” what a politician has just said no so long ago.

Another example is the COPE situation and on how it was formed. When I saw Primedia broadcasting giving Lekota an exclusive press conference on a possibility of forming a break away party from ANC I knew it was in some cartel’s interest to do so. The reason is that the very same broadcasting power that comprises of “liberal” stations such as 702 and/or Cape Talk didn’t give Lekota such preferential treatment when he was still chairing the ANC but their argument will probably be that they were reporting news that was of interest to the nation, I say they were reporting news that is of interest to a certain cartel, they could have used that airtime to broadcast good news about NGO’s and other relief organisation but they opted to lay down a red carpet for Terror Lekota, isn’t that brainwashing??

The media thrive on the fact that people prefer to look at things rather than looking into things. I remember a while back I asked a friend of mine - now that they not reporting about cash heists, do you think that law enforcement has 100% control of the cash heist robberies? The answer is a big NO, it’s just that they’ve decided to informed the masses about something they want people to focus on. Media is a powerful tool, to a certain extent even more powerful than a well co-ordinated army. Media can catapult an ordinary man into cult status, look at Mandela for example. Media can turn a people’s hero into a villain, look at Louis Farrakhan for example. Media made products such as Eskamel and Cuticura look like iconic brands.

Do the math!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I for one believe that the media is one, if not THE most influential tool in society. It's damn good example that you made of COP, the current media coverage that they are getting will definitely play a huge role in the votes that they get, these guys have been getting more coverage than any other political party at the moment, partly due to the ANC and their idiotic spokespeople who keep giving COP all the PR coverage they need.

Zuma, Mantashe, Vavi and all the other "comrades" are unable to talk to a crowd or the media without mentioning COPE and how they have done this and that,anyway, with all this media coverage of the party, they are bound to clinch a substantial amount of votes, all because of the brainwash you talk about. and of course, this brainwash is serving some other moguls agenda, it's just how sick and twisted this world is.