With the daily rapid growth of digital media, the advent of technologies like PVR decoders, ipod jacks and playstation 3’s/xbox’s that aid in avoiding all the “intrusive” advertising messages that pester you like a highly persistent Indian salesman. Is traditional media still having the impact that AMPS and all the other statistical bullshiters claim that these mediums are having? Because surely with the advancement of all these technological innovations that more and more people are getting access to, the number of people who are exposed to advertisers’ messages that are transmitted through traditional channels must be decreasing?
If we had to assume that the numbers of germane consumers reached are decreasing, why the hell do we still get media planner’s bullshitting their clients into believing that their media selections, which for obvious reasons, more often than not don’t include digital media, are reaching their target audiences? Why are media planners still selling their crap using textbook words like “frequency” which translated into consumer speak, basically mean, seeing the same annoying advert every time you channel hop, or even seeing that ad that you love so many times that it literally starts annoying you like a song that you once loved but now loathe because it’s been overplayed.
Then on the other hand you have traditional media owners raising their prices supposedly because of inflation to reach an ever declining audience. Is this whole advertising game a bloody scam that the likes of Google and their precisely measurable methods of marketing communication are exposing? Maybe the question to ask here is, will media planners, traditional media owners and that pesky crap they call amps still be relevant in a couple of years time when Generation X will be running this country?
I strongly believe that should we not see any progressive innovations from these people whom I’m convinced are colluding and coming up with nonsensical statistics and creating buzzwords for their own survival, there will be a large number of "advertising people" working at a Pick n Pay near you, scanning bread and milk while reminiscing about the days of the notorious 16.5% and telling their supervisors about the importance of “reach, frequency and “lifestyle” appeals in advertising. While real marketers present real reports with real figures and not statistics to their smiling clients, of the outcomes of a recent campaign that entailed ppc and adwords.
LOL well worded comrade!! Like it or not, we are living in a digital age where the speed of spermatozoa will be calculated at the point of ejaculation, and fabricated figures on ancient methods of research will no longer be relevant. Question is, are clients even aware of this? One must remember that clients arent clued up about marketing hence they hired an agency to handle that portion...
Indeed the Revolution will not be televised. interesting post i must say, again everything points back to the marketing director. if he's been fed so much bullshit, why is he still taking more bullshit? when i read the article written by The Chosen 1 titled Mr Client: Please Read between the lines. the reason that post makes so much sense it's because agencies sole existence is simply to arm the Marketing Director for his reviews. you are probably thinking, huh??? when the marketing director has to do his annual London reviews clearly he needs something other than himself to blame, so agencies are there to be that blame, the scapegoat.
Truth of the matter is that, what is currently being done at agencies is not rocket science, a well groomed Orangutan can easily become a good "media strategist". the underlying problem currently plaguing the industry and hindering it's growth, is the "Old Guard" that worship AMPS. When AMPS came out before i was born it was some ground breaking stuff but today it's irrelevant. Todays market are extremely different to the 80's mind set and for sharks sake we are not a homogenious group. for example a 40 year old white woman from Brakpan differs with her Sandton comrade but AMPS will never tell you that, it will tell you X percentage of 40 year old woman are more likely to shop at Store Y. the same goes for lifestyles, not all Sandton woman are Edith Venter wannabes.
The old guard will praise the AMPS God until the day the Revolution would be broadcast on Youtube.com
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